Bartosz Milewski

Bartosz Milewski

Bartosz Milewski always tries to be where the action is. He started as a quantum physicist when superstrings were hot, joined the software industry to build the search engine for Microsoft Windows right before Google started indexing the Internet, became an avid proponent of object-oriented programming back when the only C++ compiler was called Cfront. He got into concurrency and parallelism before the “free lunch was over,” and now he’s evangelizing functional programming as the Holy Grail of software development. His blog, Bartosz Milewski's Programming CafĂ©, contains articles on a variety of topics ranging from microprocessor architecture to Homotopy Type Theory. He is @BartoszMilewski on Twitter. He’s currently spending a year in Italy working on a book.

Ai CommunityDays

Community Days 2014 Roma

Roma, dal 23/09/2014 al 25/09/2014